98. Some of my Favourite Books

In today’s episode I’m on my own talking about some of my favourite books that I read over the summer holidays that have just passed here.  There is a pretty big range in breadth of the books that I read, but the ones I talk about in today’s episode are all ones with a focus on creative inspiration in one way or another.

Some relate directly to art, some to interiors and women, some on the Eastern approaches to painting, and one is soulfully reflective. I’ve listed all of them in the show notes with links, so you can get a closer look if you like to know more.

I really hope you enjoy my nerdy little deep dive into my favourite current books that are floating my creative boat.

Books mentioned:

My new e-course “Be Like Water. A watercolour e-course to soothe the soul’ is coming soon. To express you interest, sign up here.


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99. Uncovering the Deeper Narrative of our Artwork


97. Exploring art prizes and grants